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44 Gaelic Sayings and Phrases with Pronunciations

44 Gaelic Sayings and Phrases with Pronunciations

Before we dive in, a quick promise: this guide to Gaelic phrases was written and reviewed by a qualified translator to ensure every word is accurate.

Below, you’ll step into the rich tapestry of the Irish language, one of Europe’s oldest tongues, woven with history, wisdom, and a poetry that echoes through the ages.

You’ll find pronunciations, translations and the meanings behind some of the most famous Irish sayings as Gaeilge.

Beautiful Gaelic phrases used in everyday life

The first section of this guide uses the most basic Gaelic phrases that are used as part of everyday life in certain places in Ireland.

Below, you’ll find the Irish saying, what it means in English and how you pronounce it.

1. Dia dhuit

  • Meaning: Hello
  • Pronunciation: ‘Dee-ah gwit’

2. Slán

  • Meaning: Goodbye
  • Pronunciation: ‘Slawn’

3. Go n-éirí leat

  • Meaning: Good luck to you
  • Pronunciation: ‘Guh n-eye-ree lat’

4. Maidin mhaith 

  • Meaning: Good morning
  • Pronunciation: ‘Maw-din wha’

5. Gabh mo leiscéal

  • Meaning: Excuse me
  • Pronunciation: ‘Gow muh lesh-kale’

6. Go raibh maith agat

  • Meaning: Thank you
  • Pronunciation: ‘Guh rev maw aw-gut’

7. Sea, le do thoil 

  • Meaning: Yes please
  • Pronunciation: ‘Sha, leh duh hull’

8. Oíche mhaith

  • Meaning: Good night
  • Pronunciation: ‘Ee-ha wha’

9. Fáilte

  • Meaning: Welcome
  • Pronunciation: ‘Fall-chah’

10. Feicfidh mé go luath thú

  • Meaning: See you soon
  • Pronunciation: ‘Feck-ig may guh lu-a who’

11. Conas atá tú?

  • Meaning: How are you?
  • Pronunciation: ‘Cun-is ah-taw two’

12. Sláinte

  • Meaning: Translates to ‘Health’ but many use it as a ‘Cheers’ for Irish toasts
  • Pronunciation: ‘Slawn-cha’

13. Aon scéal/craic?

  • Meaning: What’s the story/craic?
  • Pronunciation: ‘Ay-in shk-ale / crack’

14. Lá féile Pádraig faoi mhaise

Famous Irish sayings as Gaeilge

Irish sayings and meanings

Now that we have the more everyday Gaelic words and phrases out of the way, it’s time to move onto the more famous Gaelic sayings and proverbs.

Below, you’ll find a collection of ‘wise’ Irish words, what they mean and how to pronounce them. Enjoy!

1. Dramhaíl toiliúil a dhéanann riachtannas truamhéalach

The first of our Gaelic sayings is one of the better-known Irish proverbs, and it translates to ‘Wilful waste makes woeful want’.

  • How it’s pronounced: ‘Drawv-wheel till-ool ah yay-nin reech-tin-is true-ah-vale-uck’
  • What it means: It suggests that purposefully wasting something often results in scarcity later on

2. Is anlann maith é an t-ocras

The second of our Gaelic phrases in Irish means ‘Hunger is good sauce’.

  • How it’s pronounced: ‘Is on-linn maw ay on tuc-ris’
  • What it means: Hunger enhances taste or need intensifies enjoyment (similar to “Absence makes the heart grow fonder”)

3. Ní mhaireann solas na maidine don lá

The next of our Irish Gaelic sayings is a deep one and it translates to ‘No Mornings sun lasts all day’.

  • How it’s pronounced: ‘Nee war-in sul-is nah mawd-in-ye gun law’
  • What it means: It’s a reminder that most things have finite lifespans, so enjoy them while they’re here

4. Am agus foighne a thógann seilide go Corcaigh

One for the impatient among us, the next of our Gaelic phrases translates to ‘Time and patience brings a snail to Cork’.

  • How it’s pronounced: ‘Awm awg-is fi-nih ah hoe-ginn shell-ih-deh guh curk-ig’
  • What it means: This is a reminder that achieving a goal(s) isn’t always a fast/smooth journey and it often takes time and patience

5. Chomh ciotach le muc i sciamhlann

Used to describe a particularly awkward individual, this translates to ‘As awkward as a pig in a parlour’.

  • How it’s pronounced: ‘Cove c-yut-uck leh muck ih shceev-linn’
  • What it means: It describes someone that is very out of place and uncomfortable in a specific setting

6. Fásann roinnt mhaith ar thalamh éadomhain

The next of our Gaelic phrases in Irish is steeped in meaning, translating to ‘Many a good tree grew on shallow ground’.

  • How it’s pronounced: ‘Faw-sin ree-nt wha air hall-iv ay-doh-in’
  • What it means: Anyone can achieve brilliance, regardless of where they are from

7. Méid coirnéal le mála móin

One of the many funny Irish sayings, this one translates to ‘As many corners as a bag of turf’.

  • How it’s pronounced: ‘May-d kern-ale leh mall-a mow-in’
  • What it means: This saying describes something or someone with an irregular shape

8. Ná scall do bheola ar leite fear eile

One of the wiser Gaelic phrases in Irish, this one warns you to ‘Never scald your lips with another man’s porridge’.

  • How it’s pronounced: ‘Naw sc-all duh v-o-la air let-ih far ell-ih’
  • What it means: This Gaelic proverb advises against getting involved in someone else’s affairs

9. Cuir síoda ar ghabhar agus is gabhar i gconaí é

This one will come in handy every once and a while. It means ‘You can’t make a silk purse out of a sows ear’.

  • How it’s pronounced: Cur she-da air g-ouw-ar awg-is is g-ouw-ar ih go-knee ay
  • What it means: You can’t transform something of poor quality to something of high quality (either a person or a thing)

10. Is é an bealach is faide timpeall an bealach is goire abhaile

Packed with fine words of wisdom, this translates to ‘The longest way around is the shortest way home’.

  • How it’s pronounced: ‘Is ay on bal-uck is f-wid-ih team-pull an bal-uck is gear-ah ah-wall-yeh’
  • What it means: It’s often the longer, more deliberate route that delivers a quicker result

11. Is minic an béal a bhriseann an srón

One of my favourite Irish idioms, this translates to ‘It’s often a person’s mouth breaks his nose’.

  • How it’s pronounced: ‘Is minick an bail a vrish-inn an shr-own’
  • What it means: It’s often by talking/saying something that’ll get you a punch 

12. Ní hiasc é go dtí go bhfuil sé ar an mbanc

A warning to those that count their chickens before they’ve hatched, this translates to ‘It is not a fish until it is on the bank’.

  • How it’s pronounced: ‘Nee heesk ay guh dee guh will shay air on mank’
  • What it means: The outcome isn’t guaranteed until the task is finished, similar to ‘Don’t count your chickens’

13. Cailleadh morán long i shúile an chuain

Another of the Gaelic sayings that warns against being presumptive, it translates to ‘Many a ship is lost within sight of the harbour’.

  • How it’s pronounced: ‘Kyle-ew more-an lung ih hoola on cue-in’
  • What it means: Similar to our previous Gaelic sayings, it means the outcome is never certain until the task is complete

14. Ní mór ort ar an uisce go dtí go stopann an tobar

Stellar advice to those, like myself, that often take things for granted, it means ‘You never miss the water till the well has run dry’.

  • How it’s pronounced: ‘Nee more urt air on ishka guh dee guh stup-in on tub-er’
  • What it means: You’ll only miss what you had when it’s no longer there

15. Ná cheannaigh le do chluasa ach le do shúile

One of the more apt Irish sayings in Gaelic for the world we live in, it means ‘Never buy through your ears but through your eyes’.

  • How it’s pronounced: ‘Naw can-ig leh duh clew-sa awk leh duh hoola’
  • What it means: Don’t let second-hand information lead your decision – experience for yourself and then decide

16. Ní bhreitheamh maith dathanna é an fear dall

A blind man is a bad judge of colour

  • How it’s pronounced: Nee breh-nimh wha daw-hihna ay on far dawl
  • What it means: Don’t take advice from someone who lacks experience/first had knowledge

17. Níor thacht an fhírinne fear ar bith

If you encounter someone that shies away from telling the truth, this one, which means ‘The truth never choked a man’, will come in handy.

  • How it’s pronounced: ‘Near hawcht on ear-in-ye far air bih’
  • What it means: Telling the truth won’t hurt you, despite how hard it is to do so

18. Is fearr an fhuaim ó fhidil níos sine

One of the more popular Irish Gaelic sayings, it means ‘The older the fiddle, the sweeter the tune’.

  • How it’s pronounced: ‘Is far on ew-m o idil niece shin-ih’
  • What it means: Things get better with age

19. Nuair atá an braon istigh, tá’n chiall amuigh

Irish drinks can be the curse for many. This translates to ‘When the drop is inside the sense is outside’.

  • How it’s pronounced: ‘Nur a-taw on brain is-tih, tawn keel am-wih’
  • What it means: When there’s drink involved, all common sense goes out the window

20. Bíonn adharca fhada ar eallach thar lar

One of the stranger Gaelic idioms, this one translates to ‘Cows from over the sea have long horns’.

  • How it’s pronounced: ‘Been arc-a awda air al-uck har lar’
  • What it means: Just because something lives/can be found in a far off place doesn’t make it any more unique/special

21. Tá sé ró-dhéanach le spáráil nuair atá gach rud chaite

One of the more common Gaelic proverbs, this means ‘It is too late to spare when all is spent’.

  • How it’s pronounced: ‘Taw shay row-yay-nuk leh spawr-all nur ah-taw gock rood caw-ta’
  • What it means: There’s no point trying to save something when it has already been fully used

22. Is deas an béal tostach a chloisteáil

A handy one to have in a situation where you want the person to listen, rather than speak, it means ‘A silent mouth is sweet to hear’.

  • How it’s pronounced: ‘Is dass an bail tust-uck a clush-tall’
  • What it means: Silence is appreciated, especially when words are unnecessary

23. Ná dhíol do chearc ar lá fliuch

Another of the Gaelic sayings that likely emerged from farming communities, it translates to ‘Don’t sell your hen on a wet day’.

  • How it’s pronounced: ‘Naw yeel do yark ar law f-luck’
  • What it means: Never take action when conditions are unfavourable, i.e. think don’t act

24. Sroicheann an capall mall an muileann

There are versions of this Irish saying in many communities. It translates to ‘The slow horse reaches the mill’.

  • How it’s pronounced: ‘Sh-rik-in on cop-all mall an mwil-inn’
  • What it means: Persistence or steady progress will eventually lead to success (slow is fast and fast is steady)

25. Tagann ádh mhaith go rian, mí-ádh go flúirse

The next of our Gaelic phrases in Irish translates to ‘Good luck comes in slender currents, misfortune in a rolling tides’.

  • How it’s pronounced:  Tog-on aw wha guh reen, mee-aw guh flew-irsha
  • What it means: Good luck can come in gradual every once and a while – bad luck can hit hard and often

26. Bí ag gearán faoi bhróga go dtí go mbuaileann tú le fear gan cois

One to remember when you/another is taking things for granted, it means ‘Complain that you have no shoes until you meet a man who has no feet’.

  • How it’s pronounced: ‘Bee egg gar-on f-we vr-o-ga guh dee guh moo-linn two leh far gone kush’
  • What it means: Appreciate what you have as there’s always someone worse off

27. Caill uair an chloig ar maidin ‘s beidh tú á lorg don lae

Never underestimate the importance of a good start to the day. This translates to ‘Lose an hour in the morning you’ll be looking for it all day’.

  • How it’s pronounced: ‘Kyle ew-er on ch-lig air mawd-in ‘s bay two aw lure-ug done lay’
  • What it means: A good start sets you up for the day

28. Is deas an rud nach bhfuil riachtannach

If you have to defend yourself for indulging, this Gaelic phrase, which means ‘That which is not necessary is pleasant’, may come in useful.

  • How it’s pronounced: ‘Is dass on rood nawk will reek-tonn-uck’
  • What it means: Things we don’t really need can be enjoyable (e.g. a night in a 5-star hotel)

29. Glanann scuab nua, ach cuimhnín seanscuab

One of my favourite Irish sayings and meanings, this translates to ‘A new broom sweeps clean, but an old broom knows the corners’.

  • How it’s pronounced: ‘Glawn-in scewb new-ah, awk cwiv-neen shan-scewb’
  • What it means: New things/people may initially seem more efficient, but experience can never be underestimated

30. Tiocfaidh an lá a bhfuil úsáid ag an mbó d’eireaball

One of the odder (terrible pub intended…), the next of our Gaelic phrases in Irish means ‘The day will come when the cow will have use for her tail’.

  • How it’s pronounced: ‘Chuck-ig on law ah will ooh-saw-d egg on mow der-ihbil’
  • What it means: It can often be the case that a seemingly useless/unnecessary thing can have purpose/use in the future

31. Is fearr rith maith ná droch-sheas

The last of our sayings in Irish translates to ‘A good run is better than a bad stand’.

  • How it’s pronounced: ‘Is far rih wha naw druck-hass’
  • What it means: Taking action, even when the outcome isn’t clear, is often better than doing nothing

Have any Gaelic sayings you’d like to add?

irish sayings in gaelic

I’ve no doubt that we’ve left out some beautiful Irish sayings in Gaelic from the article above.

If you have any Irish Gaelic phrases that you’d like to recommend, shout in the comments below.

Or, if you fancy learning more Irish lingo, see our Irish slang guide, our Irish jokes guide, our Irish toasts guide or our Irish blessings guide.

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Seán Steele

Wednesday 11th of September 2024

Is fearr an tsláinte na an táinte..............Health is better than wealth

Shane Hallahan

Friday 15th of March 2024

Níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin - There's no Fireside like your own- or more figuratively 'There's no place like home' .

Keith O'Hara

Friday 15th of March 2024

A lovely addition - cheers Shane!

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